Won’t Someone REALLY Think of the Children? (Copy)

By Travis Bone

Last week’s Grammy performance by Sam Smith and Kim Petras whipped up the GOP, who clutched their pearls in faux outrage over the ‘Satanic Panic’ of queers ‘grooming’ their children. Yet none made a peep over the actual Neo-Nazi grooming happening in Ohio, where white supremacists Logan and Katja Lawrence are teaching Hitler’s greatest hits, from the ‘Sieg Heil’ right down to the ‘swastikake’ they baked in honor of der Führer’s birthday. And while this Neo-Nazi homeschool received the thumbs-up from Ohio, a Kansas City school just lost 80% of their funding for affirming LGBTQ+ rights. Now’s the time to ensure that schools teaching love and inclusivity are not targeted with hate. Q


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