United Methodists Lose One-Fifth of Churches in Schism Driven by Growing Defiance of LGBTQ Bans

Photo Credit: Daniel Tseng

In recent years, the United Methodist Church, one of the largest Protestant denominations in the United States, has faced a painful schism driven by the growing defiance of LGBTQ bans. This schism has led to a significant loss of churches, as nearly one-fifth of congregations have chosen to depart from the denomination. The departure of these churches marks a critical moment in the ongoing struggle between traditionalist beliefs and a growing acceptance of LGBTQ inclusion within religious communities.

The United Methodist Church has historically held conservative views on homosexuality, considering it incompatible with Christian teachings. The Book of Discipline, the denomination's governing document, includes language that prohibits the ordination of LGBTQ clergy and the performance of same-sex marriages. However, an increasing number of United Methodists, including clergy and laity, have challenged these traditionalist beliefs and called for more inclusive policies.

The schism within the United Methodist Church reached a tipping point in 2019 during a special session of the General Conference, the highest decision-making body of the denomination. Delegates at the conference voted in favor of the Traditional Plan, reinforcing the bans on LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriages. This decision deeply disappointed many progressive United Methodists who had hoped for a more inclusive and affirming stance.

As a result, numerous congregations across the United States began to explore their options, with some deciding to leave the denomination altogether. In a painful turn of events, nearly one-fifth of United Methodist churches have departed, seeking affiliation with more LGBTQ-inclusive denominations or forming new independent communities.

The exodus of churches from the United Methodist fold can be attributed to several factors. First and foremost is a growing defiance of the LGBTQ bans, as more United Methodists recognize the importance of embracing and affirming the dignity and rights of all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. This defiance has been particularly evident among younger church members who view LGBTQ inclusion as a matter of justice and equality.

Another factor contributing to the schism is the frustration among progressive United Methodists who feel that their voices have not been adequately heard or respected within the denomination. Despite efforts to foster dialogue and find common ground, the persistent enforcement of the Traditional Plan has left many feeling marginalized and alienated.

The departure of one-fifth of United Methodist churches is undoubtedly a significant blow to the denomination. It highlights the deep divisions within the church and the urgent need for meaningful conversations around LGBTQ inclusion, theological diversity, and the future of the denomination. The loss of congregations also poses practical challenges, including financial strain and the redistribution of resources.

Moving forward, the United Methodist Church faces a critical crossroads. Efforts are underway to find a way to navigate the schism and facilitate a more inclusive and reconciliatory future. Plans for restructuring the denomination and exploring various options for unity or separation are being considered. The hope is to find a path that honors the diverse theological perspectives within the United Methodist Church while affirming the inherent worth and value of LGBTQ individuals.

The United Methodist Church's schism, driven by the growing defiance of LGBTQ bans, has resulted in the loss of approximately one-fifth of its churches. This painful split reflects the ongoing struggle between traditionalist beliefs and a growing desire for LGBTQ inclusion within religious communities. As the denomination grapples with the challenges posed by this schism, it is crucial to foster dialogue, empathy, and understanding, in order to forge a more inclusive and reconciliatory path forward. Q


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