Onlyfans is Only a Problem if it Compromises Your Judgement

Queerful Guest Contributor

Last week news broke that Gregory Locke, an Administrative Law Judge in New York City was fired from his job and what normally wouldn’t have been a big story was quickly sensationalized when it was discovered that he had a side hustle going as a performer on OnlyFans. However, despite reporting from the New York Post that said “The former judge who was canned for moonlighting as a porn star on OnlyFans”, there is a lot more to the story and the paper should correct the record instead of using this as an opportunity to sex shame a gay man.

For the record, Locke was not fired for having an OnlyFans account, he was fired because he exercised his first amendment rights to respond to a hateful bigot. That’s right, Locke’s problem was that he tweeted “choke on a dick” to City Council Member Vickie Paladino in response to one of her tweets calling a drag queen story hour “an absolutely shameful display”.

This prompted Paladino to file an ethics complaint against Locke that lead to his firing for “unprofessional behavior” because the tweet ran afoul of rules of conduct that mandate judges avoid actions that “cast reasonable doubt” on their impartiality even in their “extra-judicial activities.” 

So it was in fact his tweet that got him fired and his OnlyFans account only got laid bare for the world because it made the story more sensational. 

Now let’s get down to the details on this. Locke, as an Administrative Law Judge in New York City was paid $58 hourly to adjudicate parking tickets for the city. Speaking out against a bigot is definitely not going to hamper his abilities to make judgements on parking tickets. 

It’s not like he’s on the Supreme Court and has a wife who fund raised and supported at attempt to overturn a presidential election, or had his debts mysteriously paid off while credible accusations of sexual assaults were not investigated and last but not least he was not a member of a religious sect (aka a cult) that still believes in Handmaids and that women should be subservient to men. Those seem like conflicts of interest that would “cast reasonable doubt” on their impartiality.

Locke didn’t go to great lengths to hide his Only Fans account or keep it from being known. His personal twitter referenced it regularly and he didn’t do anything to protect his anonymity.

He’s obviously just enjoying himself and making a little money on the side while he’s at it. At the end of the day that is not hurting anyone or breaking any laws. More importantly Councilmember Paladino can’t show how that or telling her to choke on a dick impairs his ability to rule on matters related to parking tickets for $58 a hour. Q


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