Is it time for a Queer Bechdel Test?

If you aren’t familiar with it, the Bechdel Test was created by Alison Bechdel to judge female representation in film and other fiction. There are 3 simple rules the test applies to works of fiction. (1) It has to have at least two [named] women in it, (2) Who talk to each other & (3) About something besides a man.

It’s a fun way to examine representation in a movie. For example the recent film “Cocaine Bear” does pass the test, while blockbuster “Avatar: The Way of Water” does not pass the test. Try it for yourself and see how some of your favorite films stack up.

The origins for the test come from the idea that women have historically been under-represented in film and when they are traditionally they serve as a foil for the men in the film and don’t provide much in the way of substance or depth.

Which brings me to the point of a queer version of the test. As we have seen increased visibility for the queer community in mainstream film and television, often it is a single character that is there to either provide a unique point of view (yes, I am talking about that sassy character we’ve seen for years in TV and movies) or their queerness is part of a plot device for the storytelling (quite often a victim of violence or discrimination aka “A very special episode” of a show).

Should we start looking for characters that showcase not just our broad queer community but also provide a level of depth and humanity for their portrayal?

Perhaps some ground rules like (1) it has to have at least two [named] queer people in it, (2) who talk to each other & (3) about something other than dating/sex.

What are your thoughts, do your favorite movies and TV shows pass the test or do you have suggestions for more rules? Q


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