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Better Halves—Kelli Carpenter & Anne Steele

Kelli Carpenter & Anne Steele

Entrepreneur and travel designer Kelli Carpenter is a famed producer and podcaster who works to battle food insecurity in New Jersey. Her wife Anne Steele is an award-winning cabaret singer/songwriter from New York City who performs in cities across the country, as well as on the high seas.

We talked to the couple shortly after Carpenter rebranded her LGBTQ+ customized travel agency R Family Vacations to become KelliGregg Travel, after partnering with Atlantis VP Gregg Kaminsky.

Photos by Christopher Boudewyns

Who needs a hall pass when you married your dream person?

My name is: Kelli Carpenter

And I am a: Travel Designer

My partner’s name is: Anne Steele 

And they are a: Singer

We’ve been together since: 2010

And we live in: Jersey City, NJ

With our kids/pets/etc.: Our dog Buddy. Our youngest is in college so we are officially empty nesters!

My partner is most attractive to me when… We are with friends or family, and she is telling a funny story. Her smile, laugh and sense of humor are so incredibly attractive to me. And also, when she is done performing, there is nothing sexier than seeing her onstage!

But the one thing I wish I could change about them is: I wish Anne could fall asleep without the television on. But honestly, if this is the biggest change I could come up with, then I think we are in really good shape!

My partner pampers me with… Thoughtful gifts and remembering every special occasion. There is never a moment that I do not feel loved and cherished.

And challenges/brings out the best in me by:  Reminding me of who I am and capable of being when I lose track sometimes.  

One thing I wished we had in common, but am now glad we don’t, is:  I love how Anne and I are so very different yet have the same goals in life. She has a tendency to procrastinate whereas I am very day-to-day task oriented. In the beginning, it was frustrating but what I came to realize was that she lives very passionately in the moment. I love the joy and laughter she brings to our home every day.

I rely on my partner most for…. Companionship

But it drives me crazy when they:  Want to do a TikTok dance and I am not in the mood. However, we always end up laughing and having a good time.  

Our relationship is closed/open/ajar/nunya biz… Closed

But my celebrity ‘Hall Pass’ is: Who needs a hall pass when you married your dream person?

The strangest place we ever made ‘whoopee’ was:  in Provincetown on a boatyard dock late at night. Afterward, we laughed pretty hard about it!

Photos by Christopher Boudwyn

I always wanted her to be more spontaneous like me.

My name is:  Anne Steele

And I am a: Singer/Songwriter

My partner’s name is: Kelli Carpenter

And they are a: Travel Designer

We’ve been together since: 2010

And we live in: Jersey City, NJ

With our kids/pets/etc.: Our dog Buddy who is 13 1/2 years old and hanging in there! As for kids, we are empty nesters now but our youngest is in college and comes home on breaks. Otherwise, the other three kids are all in their own apartments or houses! 

My partner is most attractive to me when… we are on vacation. When she is truly relaxed and calm. She can even take a nap which never would happen at home.

But the one thing I wish I could change about them is: her ability to multitask. She is a one task at a time type of person.

My partner pampers me with… on my show days she literally does everything for me. She gets my goldfish crackers and tea and literally keeps it all together when I get stressed.

And challenges/brings out the best in me by: always believing in me. Even when I don’t believe in myself, I know she always thinks I am talented and strong and can accomplish anything and that gives me strength.

One thing I wished we had in common, but am now glad we don’t, is: I always wanted her to be more spontaneous like me but now I am sooooo grateful that she isn’t because she keeps me on track in the best way.

I rely on my partner most for… her organizational skills. I am often a bit of a mess, but she always keeps it all together for both of us!

But it drives me crazy when they: remind me to do something literally five min after she asked me to do it the first time. Things just take me a little longer to accomplish!

Our relationship is closed/open/ajar/nunya biz… CLOSED obvi.

But my celebrity ‘Hall Pass’ is: we don’t really do that.

The strangest place we ever made ‘whoopee’ was: on a pier in P-town like a proper gay!