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Better Halves: Jenny Block & Robin Brown

Robin Brown (left) and Jenny Block

Jenny Block is a Houston-based writer, author and speaker who writes about everything from travel to relationships, including several sex-positive books. Her wife Robin Brown is the Vice President of Business Development and Sales for a healthcare IT startup. We spoke to the couple from their home in Houston.

Photo by Terri Glanger

“It’s nice to have interests that are solely our own.”

My name is: Jenny Block 

And I am a: Writer, Author, and Speaker

My partner’s name is: Robin Brown

And she is the: VP of Business Development and Sales for a healthcare IT startup

We’ve been together since: January 1, 2016

And we live in: Houston, TX

With our: Chi-terrier Walter and our Chiweenie Aurora

My partner is most attractive to me when… She’s on the riding lawnmower or captaining our boat or otherwise doing masculine of center things. That’s when I find her sexiest. When I find her most attractive as a human and a partner is when I see her getting along with my daughter and being kind to strangers and generally putting others first.

But the one thing I wish I could change about her is… That she can be bossy.  

My partner pampers me with… Hugs and kisses and flowers and surprises and I love yous ALL THE TIME!

And challenges/brings out the best in me by… Being the best cheerleader for nearly anything I want to do!

One thing I wished we had in common, but am now glad we don’t is: Spending long hours in art museums and going to the ballet and the opera. It’s nice to have interests that are solely our own.

I rely on my partner most for… Support in pursuing what I love to do from my volunteer work to my writing to spending time with my daughter.

But it drives me crazy when she… Hums, has her phone volume way up so I can hear the conversation, plays videos on her phone, leaves the news on when we’re going to watch TV together, and doesn’t put things away, like the clothes and tools and condiments.

Our relationship is closed/open/ajar/nunya biz… Closed.

Wedding photography by Lisa Hause

“When I went away, she redid the whole front of the house…”

My name is: Robin Brown

And I am a: Vice-President of Business Development and Sales for a healthcare IT startup

My partner is most attractive to me when… I see her on TV. And I’m like, “That’s my wife.” But being hot and being attractive are two different things. My heart warms when I watch her in the kitchen and she has our friends and family around her and she’s taking care of and cooking for them. 

But the one thing I wish I could change about her is… Her inability to not think of the worst in a situation. She just spins. It’s the worst-case scenario every time. Even though her daughter, Hannah, and I say, “Mom, honey, It’s fine.”

My partner pampers me with… Where do I begin. There’s a couple of things she does. When she’s going out of town, she makes sure things are in place. No dirty dishes. House is in order. Dog is squared away. When I’d travel with someone, I used to have to do everything. Now she does it. When I’m on a conference call for hours and hours, and she comes in with a beautiful lunch on a tray. Sometimes, even leftovers but she makes them look like a beautiful new meal.

All of this seems to be very mundane, but it’s the little things. Like I left a mess of boxes when I was going on a trip and by the time she came back, they were all broken down and organized. When I went away, she redid the whole front of the house and put in a path and birdhouses and a bench and mulch. 

And challenges/brings out the best in me by… Politely correcting me when I pronounce words wrong or use expressions incorrectly. Like one time, I said “hate mongrels” instead of hate mongers. And she said, “That’s so interesting. It’s actually hate mongers. But I kind of like hate mongrels! It makes more sense.”

One thing I wished we had in common, but am now glad we don’t, is… I used to wish she liked sports so we could go to games together. But now I’m glad because we don’t spend money on tickets. But now I spend money on handbags and shoes and jewelry.

I rely on my partner most for…Words of encouragement. 

But it drives me crazy when she:  Uses the last of the water in the ice maker or the coffee maker and doesn’t refill it. I was going to say doesn’t put a coaster down. But she’s better about that now. What else irritates me? It’s just the little shit. When she leaves Kleenex in her pockets and then puts her clothes in the washing machine. Q

For more information about Jenny Block, visit her Insta or www.bethatunicorn.com