To all of my LGBTQ+ hopeless romantics who are dying to be in a relationship and feel that they are the definition of the forever alone meme, here’s a tough love affirmation that you need to start doing:

AFFIRMATION: I am a dynamic individual who deserves love. I am worthy of a partner who will make me feel special. I will put into the world the energy to find love, but not forget to continue loving myself and thrive to be the best version of myself that I can be.

With all due respect coming from your Fairy God Love Expert of Queerful, if dating was so easy, everyone would be in a relationship. And before you even start creating that dating app profile and filling out that contact form inquiry to join my exclusive matchmaking Queertabase, have you asked yourself why do you deserve love?

I started asking these questions to those who sign up as my Matchmaking or Date Coach Client:

• What makes you date-able and are you going to be difficult to match and/or coach?

• Do you have a list of must-have requirements that your special person needs to have?

Before you play Build-A-Bear, ask yourself what you bring to the table. If you can’t even justify 10 factual reasons as to why you would make the best partner, you need to sober up from that Jinx Monsoon’s Delusion Fragrance and focus on what makes you unique.

Are you sad that you’re still single and feel that you’re doomed to forever being single because “no one will love someone like you” or “you’re not having cute moments like this couple on social media?” If that’s the energy you’re putting out to the world, no wonder you’re still single.

RuPaul literally says it himself before he ends every episode of Drag Race:

“If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” —RuPaul

Savage, yet true. 

Start using this affirmation to come to the realization that you are a bad-ass person who deserves love. Because you’re just in your head sweetheart, stop being so hard on yourself.

Want more Swipes on the Dating Apps? Do this:

Queer Matchmaker Tip 🏳️‍🌈💘
Any dating app/platform that allows you to post video content, post yourself doing your favorite hobbies/interests/pastime activities!

When you think of a Queer Person in a city like Los Angeles, the possibility of them having active day to day activities is relatively high. Anybody can say that they do A, B, or C. But can they walk the talk? 

By doing this, it’ll allow potential matches to seek similarities and/or find romantic value in what you like doing. It’s not rocket science people.

I’ll allow myself to be the example. When I’m not Matchmaking, Date Coaching, or Counseling LGBTQ+ singles and individuals, I play competitive tennis 🎾. Potential matches may see this and those interested in me may potentially reply back with:

  • I would love to know how to play ✅

  • I haven’t played since… ✅

  • I bet I can beat you in a Singles Match ✅

  • Do you play for USTA or UTR? ✅

  • Do you know OutSports or VGL? ✅

This creates initial conversation starters.

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